Why should we stop using plastic?

There is ample evidence that we all use plastic regularly even with the knowledge that it has been working against our own interest and that of the environment. The all friendly-seeming plastic is by us generously, whatever-wherever- whenever.

You go to a shop and buy things at the mart and you are well aware that you have not carried a bag.

“Please pack it in a carry bag,” you shamelessly ask at the counter. Getting your work done there you move on to the vegetable shop and buy your wishlist of veggies. “Ek cover de de bhayya,” you ask the vendor nonchalantly and he pleases you with ample covers.

You further move towards your home and in the corner pani-puri shop you make your halt. “Bhayya, pack 2 plates of pani-puri and one plate samosa. In a few minutes, your package is ready. One plastic cover for pani-puri, one for samosa, one for chutney and one for the hot soup and one bigger plastic cover to pack all these smaller bags.

You then get home, empty the containers, preserve some covers and throw away the rest into the dustbin. So convenient.

Plastic – A very convenient utility and a boon to the human race. It always seems to be around to help you. Until a few years ago, plastics had replaced glass, wood, jute, cotton, iron and various other materials. It has good strength, is cheap, easy to manufacture and easy to obtain in different colors. The use of plastic exploded exponentially, and it had silently created a situation of devastation, both on our health and to our environment.

So how did plastic, which was a please-all companion turn into a global disaster?
  • Did you know that the plastics we throw away, carried by winds and dumped by people clog the drains in cities to bring about flood like situation?
  • Plastics were found in the intestines of animals which ate the food remains from such bags.
  • Plastic bags were found settled in oceans, destroying the marine life, sending warning bells globally.
  • Hot food packed in plastic containers by food outlets have resulted in increased risk of cancer.
  • Re-use of disposable water bottles results in leaching of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which results in cancer.

What should we do to reduce the risks of plastic misadventure?
  • Reduce the use of plastic to the minimum.
  • Carry A Bag to wherever you shop. Inform the vendor/shop that you don’t need a plastic bag.
  • Use containers made of copper/stainless steel for storing water.
  • Carry non-plastic containers to get your parcel of food from your favorite restaurant.
  • Share this knowledge with others who are ignorant.


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