On the facebook page there are occasions on which you do see a link with your friend's photo and a caption like: " What is the original meaning of your name ?" or " How would you look after 25 years? ". There may be more attractive messages like " Only a genius can solve this, I got a 140 in the IQ test ". You feel the immediate social obligation to try it out and announce your results to all your followers. When you click on one of the links, you see a notification that the APP requires your facebook profile and your list of friends on facebook. You pause for a moment, remain undecided and then ask yourself, "Well, what's there to lose?" and you proceed to click on the accept button. But in the backdrop there are a few things that takes place. The APP gets your name and other personal details about you plus the details of all the posts you have liked, shared or commented, with a bonus list of your friends on facebook . Well that'...